Higher-than-expected figures for Take-Two Interactive

February 09, 2021
Higher-than-expected figures for Take-Two Interactive

“Red Dead Redemption” publisher topped expectations for fiscal Q3

The video game publisher Take-Two Interactive Software posted figures for the quarter ending in December that beat estimates.

For the fiscal third-quarter, Take-Two reported an adjusted EPS of $1.24 on net bookings of $814.3 million. The results beat the 96 cents per share earnings on sales of $747 million expected. However, the figures came in lower than those reported during the same time in 2019: an EPS of $1.63, and net bookings of $888 million. The figures were boosted by the latest launch of “Borderlands 3.”

The New York-based company expects this quarter an adjusted EPS of 57 cents on net bookings of $627 million. But the markets are expecting lower figures for the EPS and net bookings: 42 cents per share, and $579 million, respectively.

Despite the promising results, Take-Two stock price fell 4% following the announcement.

Source: investors.com

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