Nvidia’s deal with Arm under regulatory scrutiny

February 16, 2021
Nvidia’s deal with Arm under regulatory scrutiny

The deal raised questions on whether or not Nvidia would profit from Arm’s technology

After it had announced in September 2020 its plans to acquire the chipmaker Arm from SoftBank for $40 billion, the purchase rose concerns to regulators.

According to reports from CNBC and Bloomberg, Google, Microsoft, and Qualcomm appealed to regulators in the UK, EU, US, and China on Nvidia’s influence on how Arm licenses out its chipmaking technology.

Nvidia CEO, Jensen Huang wrote to the Financial Times that he could “unequivocally state that Nvidia will maintain Arm’s open licensing model. We have no intention to ‘throttle’ or ‘deny’ Arm’s supply to any customer.”

However, Nvidia’s competitors argue that “keeping Arm neutral and not using its tech to Nvidia’s own gains isn’t what the company would be incentivized to do — especially not after paying $40 billion for it.” If restrictions on licenses are to be imposed, companies who work with Arm’s technology would be hurt.

Now, regulators are allegedly looking into the matter, to see if Arm’s purchase would make Nvidia too powerful in the chipmaking business. At the same time, EU and UK officials promised to “thoroughly investigate.”

Following the news, Google stock price added 0.39%, Qualcomm went up 1.66%, and Microsoft closed 0.20% higher. On the other hand, Nvidia lost 1.90%.

Sources: theverge.com, finance.yahoo.com

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