DoorDash revenue popped in Q4 2021

February 18, 2022
DoorDash revenue popped in Q4 2021

The online food ordering and food delivery platform reported better-than-expected revenue in Q4 2021

DoorDash was one of the biggest beneficiaries of stay-at-home trends during the pandemic, as many people relied on food delivery services. The revenue came in at $1.3 billion, higher than the $1.28 billion expected.

People continued to spend more on orders during the quarter, with Q4 gross order value growing 36% year-over-year to $11.2 billion. It topped analysts’ projections of $10.6 billion. It scored 369 million orders, higher than the 361 million orders initially forecasted.

For the full year, DoorDash projects marketplace gross order value to reach a high of $50 billion.

On Thursday, February 17, it closed 10.69% higher.


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