Nielsen rejects private takeover proposal

March 21, 2022
Nielsen rejects private takeover proposal

Nielsen Holdings turned down a takeover offer from a private-equity consortium that has valued the company at $25.40 per share

According to The Wall Street Journal, the private-equity group included Elliott Management, looking to buy the TV-rating company for approx. $15 billion, including debt. The New York-based conglomerate rejected the offer because it undervalues the company and doesn’t adequately compensate its shareholders.

According to specialists, the buyout could be a relief to Nielsen, which struggled as a public company over the years. Elliott has been an investor in Nielsen since 2018 and pushed the company to make changes such as hiring a new CEO, installing several new directors, selling assets, and authorizing a $1 billion share repurchase. Nielsen announced that it intends to begin the buyback program.

The market reacted negatively to the news, with Nielsen stock price trading 17.59% lower.


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