Apple becomes the $2 trillion company

August 25, 2020
Apple becomes the $2 trillion company

Apple is the first US company that reached a market cap of $2 trillion

After just crossing the mid-year mark and going through a rollercoaster of a year, Apple doesn't plan on slowing down.

With amazing Q2 earnings despite the ongoing pandemic, the company showed resilience and found itself in surrounded by tumultuous events. The recent Epic Games lawsuit didn't get in Apple's way of success, as yesterday it became the first American company that reached a market cap of $2 trillion.

This makes Apple the second company to reach this global level, after the Saudi Aramco passed this milestone the last December. Nationally, Apple is followed by Microsoft and Amazon, each being worth roughly $1.6 trillion. Alphabet is valued at a little over $1 trillion.

All eyes are now paying attention to the upcoming 5G iPhone, which is expected to boost consumer demand, from Apple's point of view.

Year-to-date, the company’s shares increased by 58%, with USA30 losing 3%.


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