IPO तिथि 03/02/2021

ट्रेड Kuaishou

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और ट्रेडिंग शुरू करें

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General info on Kuaishou

कंपनी के बारे में

  • Name
    Kuaishou Technology
  • Industry
  • Employees
  • Founding year
  • Ticker

दाखिल करने की जानकारी

  • IPO file date
    January 2021
  • No. of shares
  • Price range
    $13.55 - $14.84
  • Exchange
    Hong Kong
  • Bookrunners
    Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, China Renaissance
खाता खोलें

IPO विवरण

About Kuaishou

Kuaishou, owned by Kuaishou Technology, is a social platform that allows users to create short clips, live content, and share moments with the world. With the main office in Beijing, the App was designed for the Chinese audience – just like main competitor TikTok - but quickly gained global popularity. 

IPO figures

When it announced its decision to go public, Kuaishou was aiming to raise roughly $5 billion. 

The company appointed Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, and China Renaissance as underwriters. It was set to raise as much as $6.3 billion in its Hong Kong Stock Exchange IPO, scheduled for February 5th.

Kuaishou initially priced its shares at $13.55 - $14.84, a target which would have valued the company at $61.7 billion. But at the opening, the price was $43.60/share. It closed the Hong Kong session at $38.70.

According to the Financial Times, Kuaishou aimed for $5.4 billion, but the actual figures came higher at $5.32 billion.



Forbes estimated Kuaishou’s market cap to be $18 billion.


What you need to know

  • Founded in 2011 by Su Hua and Cheng Yiaxiao, both former engineers for Google and Baidu
  • Kuaishou was on Google Play and Apple App Store’s “Most Downloaded” list in eight countries
  • Grew in popularity in India, getting known as the Snack Video App


Sources: reuters.com, cnbc.com, finance.yahoo.com


  • Ticker
  • Price range
    $13.55 - $14.84
  • Exchange
    Hong Kong
  • Bookrunners
    Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, China Renaissance
खाता बनाएं

महत्वपूर्ण तत्व

के लिए सबसे जरूरी आंकड़ों का पता लगाएं Kuaishou IPO

Users/day in China

305 million

Monthly users in China

769 million

Average daily time/user

86 minutes+

Video & Live Streaming

2.34 trillion+


खाता खोलें

निकट से देखें Kuaishou Technology IPO
जानें कि ट्रेडर हमेशा IPO ट्रेड करने के लिए क्‍यों उत्सुक रहते हैं

  • स्थिति Available
  • IPO तिथि 03/02/2021
  • कीमत $13.55 - $14.84

पिछले आईपीओ

पहले से सार्वजनिक हो चुकी अन्य कंपनियों के विवरण ब्राउज़ करें

2023 के बहुप्रतीक्षित IPO

वर्ष के सर्वाधिक अपेक्षित IPO के संपर्क में रहें


  • स्थिति Upcoming 
  • IPO तिथि Est. 25/07/24
  • कीमत Est at $70 - $82
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IPO रिपोर्ट देखें

  • स्थिति Upcoming 
  • IPO तिथि Est. 25/07/24
  • कीमत Est at $70 - $82

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