Cisco pledges $100 million to become more active in social justice

September 24, 2020
Cisco pledges $100 million to become more active in social justice

Another big corporation joins the social injustice battle

Yesterday the Bank of America raised $2 billion as a supportive measure for the Black and Hispanic minorities, and Cisco followed up by revealing a social-justice platform, pledging to grow the global Black representatives among its offices by 2023.

The company aims to increase the number of people of color for the employee-through-manager level by 25%, while the top management will be increased to 75%.

Based on a 2019 company diversity report, only 3.8% of its US employees were Black. The rate is under 2.2% for management and VP levels, with no people of color in an executive position.

Cisco was subjected to controversy after firing a couple of employees who commented against the #Black Lives Matter movement during a video-meeting, stating that those representatives "did not live up to our values as a company."

The company will launch a $50 million venture-capital fund named #Aspire Fund, investing in start-ups to increase partner variety, while scholarships for historically black colleges and universities will be granted other $50 million, over 5 years.

However, markets weren’t impressed with what Cisco set in motion, closing the trading session 2.64% lower.


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Informasi ini disusun untuk pengetahuan umum. Ini tidak berkaitan dengan tujuan investasi tertentu, situasi keuangan maupun kebutuhan khusus penerima apa pun.

Anda harus secara independen mengevaluasi setiap produk keuangan dan mempertimbangkan kesesuaian produk keuangan tersebut, dengan mempertimbangkan tujuan investasi spesifik Anda, situasi keuangan atau kebutuhan tertentu, dan dengan berkonsultasi kepada penasihat keuangan independen sesuai kebutuhan dan sebelum berurusan dengan produk keuangan apa pun yang disebutkan dalam dokumen ini.

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