House impeaches Trump for the second time

January 14, 2021
House impeaches Trump for the second time

Trump impeached for the second time after he incited violence and insurrection

Donald Trump's impeachment was the town's talk yesterday, as it is for the first time in history when a president falls under scrutiny for the second time.

Nancy Pelosi's resolution passed the House with 232 to 197 in favor of impeaching the president after his speech instigates crowds to storm the Capitol, leaving behind five people dead. He was charged with "incitement to insurrection." The resolution will be taken to the Senate, which could vote to bar him from holding public office ever again.

Despite this initial victory, nothing can be done until after January 19, when the Senate resumes, and Joe Biden is sworn in. Given the previous presidential impeachment trials, the Senate could conclude in three weeks or three months.

On the other hand, the Dollar related instruments like USA500 and Gold traded higher. While the former added 0.27%, the latter went up 0.7%, closing at $1,857.35 an ounce.


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