IPO तिथि 05/09/2023

ट्रेड Arm Holdings Inc.

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General Info

कंपनी के बारे में

  • Name
    Arm Holdings Inc.
  • Industry
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  • Founding year

दाखिल करने की जानकारी

  • IPO Date
    September 2023
  • Exchange
खाता खोलें

IPO विवरण

What is ARM Holdings Inc.?

Arm Holding Inc., also known as Arm Limited, or ARM, is a British semiconductor and software design company selling rights to the manufacturers of popular computer chips and technology as we know it today.  

ARM is a subsidiary of the Japanese tech-conglomerate company, SoftBank since its purchase in 2016 for $24B. SoftBank Group is widely known to own a stake in companies like Alibaba (e-commerce), OYO Rooms (hospitality), WeWork (coworking), and more. 


ARM Holdings Inc. IPO Statistics 

Traders are anxiously anticipating ARM’s upcoming IPO with valuation estimates that span from $30B to $80B, driven by elevated optimism surrounding the company's intimate affiliations with the technology integral to our daily lives, as well as its substantial contractual partnerships for CPUs with industry giants such as Apple and Nvidia. 

The fiscal year 2021 saw revenues amounting to $2.7B, reflecting an impressive 35% surge attributed to the company's advancement in both royalty and non-royalty revenue streams. In line with the proposed acquisition endeavor that ultimately faltered between 2020 and 2021, Arm's perceived value stands notably north of $40B (£29.6 billion). 


More on ARM Holdings Inc. 

In 2020, Softbank formally disclosed its intention to divest ARM to NVIDIA, a prominent American chip manufacturer. However, a significant development transpired in February 2022, as the substantial $80B transaction encountered an impasse due to competition concerns voiced by multiple governmental entities. 

Consequently, the strategic shift towards an ARM listing trajectory is poised to potentially yield a comparatively moderated financial outcome in contrast to the potentially substantial gains achievable through the original NVIDIA transaction. Nonetheless, ARM is actively engaged in substantial discussions with Nvidia to secure its pivotal role as a prominent investor for the impending ARM listing on the New York stock exchange. Notably, this endeavor is marked by the concurrent involvement of eminent industry stalwarts, including notable names like Apple and Amazon. 

ARM’s technology is found in about 95% of the world’s smartphones including brands like Apple, Android, and Samsung. 

As new technology emerges, much is often based on Arm’s advanced processor designs including technology for self-driving cars, industrial automation, and more. 




Sources: Reuters, Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance 


  • Name
    Arm Holdings Inc.
  • Industry
  • Employees
  • Founding year
  • IPO Date
    September 2023
  • Exchange
खाता बनाएं

महत्वपूर्ण तत्व

के लिए सबसे जरूरी आंकड़ों का पता लगाएं Arm Holdings Inc. IPO




To be Determined, $30-80B evaluation


Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase & Co, Barclays and Mizuho Financial Group



Arm Holdings Inc.

खाता खोलें

निकट से देखें Arm Holdings Inc. IPO
जानें कि ट्रेडर हमेशा IPO ट्रेड करने के लिए क्‍यों उत्सुक रहते हैं

  • स्थिति Available
  • IPO तिथि September 2023
  • कीमत $47-51

पिछले आईपीओ

पहले से सार्वजनिक हो चुकी अन्य कंपनियों के विवरण ब्राउज़ करें

2023 के बहुप्रतीक्षित IPO

वर्ष के सर्वाधिक अपेक्षित IPO के संपर्क में रहें


  • स्थिति Upcoming 
  • IPO तिथि Est. 25/07/24
  • कीमत Est at $70 - $82
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Warehousing & Supply Chain Logistics

IPO रिपोर्ट देखें

  • स्थिति Upcoming 
  • IPO तिथि Est. 25/07/24
  • कीमत Est at $70 - $82

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