Higher-than-expected EPS and revenue for McDonald’s

November 09, 2020
Higher-than-expected EPS and revenue for McDonald’s

McDonald’s had great plans for the future

Q3 2020 proved to be an overall productive one for one of the largest fast-food chains in the world – McDonald’s.

In the past quarter, the company had an EPS of $2.22, which topped the $1.90 forecasted. The revenue also came above expectations at $5.42 billion.

After the success of its collaboration with the American rapper Travis Scott increased the American same-store sales by 4.6%, McDonald’s is considering working with other celebrities and also a change of menu to add more chicken products.

In the future, McDonald’s is looking to increase the quarterly dividend by 3% to $1.29 per share. Moreover, it plans to reach its target of 950 new restaurants opened. Four hundred out of the total will be in China, while the rest will be in France, the UK, and the US.

After the news hit the wire, McDonald’s stock price went up 5%.

Sources: cnbc.com

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हाल ही में जोड़ा

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