Alibaba’s browser removed from Chinese app stores

March 16, 2021
Alibaba’s browser removed from Chinese app stores

Due to antitrust concerns, UC Brower was removed from multiple app stores

Chinese regulators seem to step up their game as they removed Alibaba’s internet browser from multiple app stores.

According to a Financial Times report, the browser UC was removed from app stores operated by Huawei, Xiaomi, and Tencent, after it was criticized on television for misleading online advertising. According to the statements made during a TV show, the browser allowed private hospitals to bid for their names to come up when they were keyword searched, allegedly luring patients to their platforms instead of those of public hospitals. Moreover, this is not the first time when Alibaba encounters legal issues. Regulators blocked the $37 billion Ant Group IPO, a company backed by Jack Ma’s company.

The browser removal came when Beijing is tackling the power and influence that the large technology firms have over various markets. Also, China’s market regulator has completed a set of rules that will prohibit companies from making exclusive deals with vendors to sell on their websites rather than those of rivals.

Following the news, Alibaba stock price lost 1%.


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