G Suite turns into Google Workplace

October 07, 2020
G Suite turns into Google Workplace

Google joins Microsoft and Zoom in offering people new and improved services

The #COVID pandemic made tech companies step up their game regarding tools and features made to ease people’s work and help them stay connected. After Microsoft and Zoom improved their services, it’s now Google‘s turn to do so.

The company announced that G Suite – the famous productivity app – will be turned into Google Workplace. The name is suitable given that users will be able to join online meetings straight from their Gmail inboxes, and share tasks and files through chat boxes. Moreover, Google Chat comes with a brand-new function that gives people the possibility to communicate with people outside of their company.

Along with the novel features also came new business plans: Business Plus and Essential. The first requires a subscription of $18/month, while the latter costs $8/month. These features are available only for paid subscribers for the moment, but all users will be able to enjoy them in the following months.

This announcement, and a 450-page report from the US House Judiciary subcommittee regarding unfair behavior exhibited by Google have made the company’s stock price fall 2.19%.

Sources: thestreet.com

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