General Motors to test driverless cars

October 16, 2020
General Motors to test driverless cars

DMV green-lit cars to drive themselves

The automotive industry is evolving fast, and the latest news in this field comes from General Motors.

General Motors - the American multinational corporation – announced that it received a permit from the Californian Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to let the cars drive by themselves. According to the company’s statement, the autonomous vehicle unit - Cruise - will drive around San Francisco without a human driver by the end of 2020.

The cars without a human backup will drive at first in some regions of the city, and at a later date, will be implemented all over San Francisco.

GM, however, is not the first company to release autonomous cars. Waymo said that it would open a driverless ride-hailing service in Phoenix. Waymo, which is part of Alphabet Inc, is looking to expand also in California.

Both companies' efforts to implement self-driving cars comes after an SUV operated by Uber hit a pedestrian in 2018.

Currently, General Motors' stock price is trading 1.47% higher.


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