ZOOM is getting ready for the winter holidays

December 21, 2020
ZOOM is getting ready for the winter holidays

The company is confident that it would meet the user demands

As the new wave of COVID-19 infections led authorities to impose tighter restrictions, people are looking for ways to stay in touch with their loved ones.

One of the most used apps for remote communication, ZOOM is getting ready for the holiday season. The company announced that over the winter holiday it would remove the 40-minute limit for people who do not pay the service. This concession will make ZOOM compete against Skype, Google Meets, FaceTime, WhatsApp, and Messenger.

According to ZOOM, it expects Christmas Day to be its busiest ever in terms of calls. Moreover, the company is confident that it will meet the pandemic-induced demand as one of its spokespersons said, “We operate our own global (co-located) data centers around the globe, providing significant control and flexibility when it comes to routing both audio and video traffic.” “In addition, we work with public cloud providers to help with increased demand.”

The news was beneficial to Zoom, as its stock price traded 3.40% higher.

Sources: cnbc.com, finance.yahoo.com

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