A new COVID-19 vaccine could hit the markets

May 17, 2021
A new COVID-19 vaccine could hit the markets

The French Sanofi and Britain’s GlaxoSmithKline announced the upcoming Phase III of their experimental vaccine

According to Sanofi, the vaccine showed a robust immune response in early-stage clinical trials results, which allows them to move to a late-stage study. A global Phase III could start in the coming weeks, involving over 35,000 adults. The companies hope for the vaccine to be approved by the fourth quarter, later than initially planned.

The announcement comes after, in December, Sanofi and GSK had to restart the trial after the vaccine showed a low immune response in older adults as a result of a weak antigen formulation.

Su-Peing Ng, Sanofi’s global head of medical for vaccines, revealed that during Phase III, the vaccine would also be tested against various strains of COVID-19, including the lineage detected in South Africa. Moreover, the shot could be used as a potential booster, no matter of what vaccine someone might have received beforehand.

So far, Sanofi has purchasing agreements with the US, EU, Britain, Canada, and with COVAX – a World Health Organization-backed facility.

At the moment of writing, Sanofi stock price is trading 0.91% higher, while GSK is up 0.83%.

Source: reuters.com

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