Higher-than-expected Q4 earnings for JNJ

January 26, 2021
Higher-than-expected Q4 earnings for JNJ

Johnson & Johnson surprised the markets with its Q4 2020 figures

Johnson& Johnson reported an EPS of $1.86, which was higher than what the market expected - $1.82 per share. Also, the revenues topped the $21.67 billion forecasted, coming in at $22.48 billion.

The most significant increase was reported by the pharmaceutical business - $12.26 billion in revenues, largely due to JNJ upcoming COVID-19 vaccine.

For the future, the company expects its EPS to reach a high of $9.60 on sales of $91.7 billion. Its data regarding the Phase III COVID-19 vaccine trial is expected by experts as early as next week.

After the news hit the wires, JNJ stock price added 2%.

Source: reuters.com

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