Breaking news: Ant Group’s IPO suspended

November 03, 2020
Breaking news: Ant Group’s IPO suspended

Apparently, Ant Group, doesn’t meet the necessary conditions for going public just yet, shocking the financial markets.

Ant Group’s much-hyped IPO will have to wait until it hits the markets. According to a statement released on Tuesday, November 3rd, the company faces some issues regarding its financial technology regulatory environment. Until these issues are fixed Ant Group is unable to meet the conditions required for listing on stock exchanges.

As a direct result, the Shanghai Stock Exchange decided to suspend the company’s listing on the Science and Technology Innovation Board, also known as the STAR Market - China’s tech-oriented big index. Following this announcement, Ant Group decided to cancel its listing of the Hong Kong shares as well.

The world’s biggest start-up company was getting ready to raise $34.5 billion in what was advertised as the largest public listing ever.

Stay tuned to for more updates on Ant Group’s IPO!


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