JP Morgan – the first American bank to hold a majority stake in a Chinese firm

November 03, 2020
JP Morgan – the first American bank to hold a majority stake in a Chinese firm

JP Morgan dips its toes in the $50 trillion Chinese financial sector

JP Morgan started the week by setting records for himself. One of the largest American banks just closed a deal with Shanghai Waigaoqiao FTZ.

The bank paid $26.6 million to buy a 20% stake in the Chinese company, as documents from Shanghai United Assets and Equity Exchange revealed. Following the deal, JP is now close to the company's full ownership, its stake being at 71% in the Chinese securities venture.

The deal – initially announced in September – allows JP to become the first overseas bank to hold the largest stake in a securities joint venture in China. On top of that, the American bank is considering hiring 12 equity research analysts.

After the news, JP Morgan stock price went up 1.18%.


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